(click on columns to sort) |
Identifying southern yellow pine cross sections from the southeastern United States using quadratic discriminant analysis on pith and second annual ring diameters Thomas L. Eberhardt, Patricia K. Lebow, Philip M. Sheridan, and Arvind A.R. Bhuta |
2022 |
Dendrochronologia 71 |
Prey Capture in Anthocyanin-free Sarracenia leucophylla (Sarraceniaceae) Is Associated with Leaf Size, But Not Red Pigmentation |
2021 |
HortScience |
Population ecology of the endangered aquatic carnivorous macrophyte Aldrovanda vesiculosa at a naturalised site in North America. Cross, A., Sheridan, P., Kingsley, D., Skates, L., Adamec, L., and Hammond, M. |
2015 |
Freshwater Biology (Impact Factor: 2.91). 05/2015; DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12609 |
Revivification of a method for identifying longleaf pine timber and its application to southern pine relicts in southeastern Virginia. Eberhardt, T., P. Sheridan, and A. Bhuta. |
2011 |
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 2440-2447 |
Monoterpene persistence in the sapwood and heartwood of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) stumps: assessment of differences in composition and stability under field conditions. Eberhardt, T., P. Sheridan, and J. Mahfouz. |
2009 |
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 1357-1365 |
Boundary-line growth patterns to determine disturbance history of remnant longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) in mixed forests of southeastern Virginia. Bhuta, A., L. Kennedy, C. Copenheaver, P. Sheridan, and J. Campbell |
2008 |
The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 135: 516-529 |
Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera Culicidae), larvae in pitchers of Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco (Nepenthaceae) in Virginia. Duffield, R. M. and P. Sheridan |
2007 |
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109: 489-492 |
Anthocyanidins of Sarracenia L. Flowers and Leaves. Sheridan, P. and R. Griesbach |
2001 |
HortScience 36(2):384 |
Inbreeding, outbreeding, and heterosis in the yellow pitcher plant, Sarracenia flava (Sarraceniaceae), in Virginia. Sheridan, P. and D. Karowe |
2000 |
American Journal of Botany
87:1628-1633. |
Genetics of Anthocyanin Deficiency in Sarracenia L. Sheridan, P. and R. Mills |
1998 |
HortScience 33(6): 1042 - 1045 |
Presence of proanthocyanidins in mutant green Sarracenia indicate blockage in late anthocyanin biosynthesis between leucocyanidin and pseudobase. Sheridan, P. and R. Mills |
1998 |
Plant Science 135: 11 - 16 |
Red Letter Days of a Pennsylvania Botanist. Sheridan, P. |
1998 |
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 27(4): 123-125 |
Genetics of Sarracenia Leaf and Flower Color. Sheridan, P. |
1997 |
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 26: 51-64. |
Noteworthy Sarracenia Collections II. Sheridan, P. and W. Scholl |
1996 |
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 25: 19-23 |
The Hooded Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia minor Walt., at its Southern Limit. Sheridan, P |
1996 |
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 25: 39-41 |
Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea f. heterophylla (Eaton) Fernald in Nova Scotia. Sheridan, P |
1993 |
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 22: 106-107 |
Noteworthy Sarracenia Collections. Sheridan, P. and W. Scholl |
1993 |
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 22: 58-61 |
Notes on Some Darlingtonia californica Torr. Bogs. Sheridan, P. and W. Scholl |
1993 |
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 22: 62-64 |
Juncus caesariensis Coville (Juncaceae) in Virginia Peat Bogs. Strong, M. and P. Sheridan |
1991 |
Castanea 56: 65-69 |
Noteworthy Collections-Maryland. Sheridan, P |
1991 |
Castanea 56: 71-72 |
What is the Identity of the West Gulf Coast Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia alata Wood? Sheridan, P |
1991 |
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 20: 102-110 |
The Story of Tom Darling and Bear Lake. Sheridan, P |
1989 |
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 18: 102-107 |
A Preliminary Report on Drosera intermedia X D. capillaris. Sheridan, P |
1987 |
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 16: 71-73 |
(click on columns to sort) |
Pondering the monoterpene composition of Pinus serotina Michx.: can limonene be used as a chemotaxonomic marker for the identification of old southern pine stumps? Eberhardt, T.L., J. Mahfouz, and P. Sheridan |
2010 |
Stanturf, J. ed. Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference; 2007 February 26-March 1; Athens, GA. |
Atlantic white cedar: ecology, restoration, and management. Burke, M. and P. Sheridan eds. |
2005 |
Proceedings of the Arlington Echo symposium; 2003 June 2-4; Millersville, MD. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-91. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 74 pp |
A rare plant survey of Atlantic White-cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) B.S.P., habitats of western Georgia. Sheridan, P. and T. Patrick |
2003 |
R.B., Atkinson, R.T. Belcher, D.A. Brown, and J.E. Perry, Eds. Atlantic White-cedar Management and Restoration Ecology Symposium; 2000 May 31-June 2; Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA. Pp. 101 – 112 |
Seed Quality and Comparison of Planting Techniques for Atlantic White-cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) B.S.P., at Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Sheridan, P |
2003 |
R.B., Atkinson, R.T. Belcher, D.A. Brown, and J.E. Perry, Eds. Atlantic White-cedar Management and Restoration Ecology Symposium; 2000 May 31-June 2; Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA. Pp. 289 – 294 |
Highway Rights-of-Way as Rare Plant Restoration Habitat in Coastal Virginia. Sheridan, P |
2002 |
J.W. Goodrich-Mahoney, D.F. Mutrie and C.A. Guild, eds. The 7th International Symposium on Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-way Management; 2000 September 9-13; Calgary, Canada. Elsevier Science, Oxford, England. Pp. 185-191 |
Highway Rights-of-Way as Longleaf Pine Restoration Habitat. Sheridan, P. and J. Stowe |
2001 |
In: Kush, John S. comp. 2001. Forest for Our Future - Restoration and Management of Longleaf Pine Ecosystems: Silvicultural, Ecological, Social, Political and Economic Challenges, Proceedings of the Third Longleaf Alliance Regional Conference. 2000 October 16-18; Alexandria, LA. Longleaf Alliance Report No. 5. Pp. 186-188 |
Highway Rights-of-Way as Rare Plant Restoration Habitat |
2000 |
In Press. The 7th International Symposium on Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management. 2000 September 9-13; Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
Seed quality and comparison of planting techniques for Atlantic white-cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) B.S.P., at Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center, Anne Arundel County, Maryland |
2000 |
Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA. Pp. 289-294 |
A Rare Plant Survey of Atlantic White-Cedar , Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) B.S.P., Habitats of the Georgia Westcentral Fall Line Sandhills |
2000 |
Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA. Pp. 101-112 |
Longleaf Pine Activities in Virginia: 1998-2000. Sheridan, P. and R. Wright |
2001 |
In: Kush, John S. comp. 2001. Forest for Our Future - Restoration and Management of Longleaf Pine Ecosystems: Silvicultural, Ecological, Social, Political and Economic Challenges, Proceedings of the Third Longleaf Alliance Regional Conference. 2000 October 16-18; Alexandria, LA. Longleaf Alliance Report No. 5. Pp. 189-194 |
Collection, Germination, and Propagation of Virginia Longleaf Pine. Sheridan P., N. Penick, A. Simpson, and P. Watkinson |
1999 |
Longleaf Pine: A Forward Look, proceedings of the second Longleaf Alliance conference; 1998 November 17-19; Charleston, SC. Longleaf Alliance Report No. 4. Pp. 151-153 |
A Census of Longleaf Pine in Virginia. Sheridan P., J. Scrivani, N. Penick, A. Simpson |
1999 |
Longleaf Pine: A Forward Look, proceedings of the second Longleaf Alliance Conference; 1998 November 17-19; Charleston, SC. Longleaf Alliance Report No. 4. Pp. 154-162 |
Some Noteworthy Vascular Plant Records from Atlantic White Cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides, Habitats of Western Georgia. Sheridan P., S. Orzell, and E. Bridges |
1999 |
Atlantic white-cedar: ecology and management symposium; 1997 August 6-7; Newports News, VA. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-27. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. Pp. 49-60 |
A Census of Atlantic White Cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides, on the Western Shore of Maryland. Sheridan P., K. Underwood, R. Muller, J. Broersma-Cole, J. Kibby |
1999 |
Atlantic white-cedar: ecology and management symposium; 1997 August 6-7; Newport News, VA. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-27. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. Pp. 61-65 |
Powerline Easements as Refugia for State Rare Seepage and Pineland Plant Taxa |
1997 |
The Sixth International Symposium on Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management. J.R. Williams, J.W. Goodrich-Mahoney, J.R. Wisniewski, and J. Wisniewski, eds. Elsevier Science, Oxford, England. Pp. 451-46. |
(click on columns to sort) |
The quest for methods to identify longleaf pine stump relicts in southeastern Virginia. Eberhardt, T.L., P.M. Sheridan, and A.R. Bhuta |
2013 |
17th Biennial Silvicultural Conference. Match 5-7, 2013. Shreveport, Louisiana. |
Restoration of a longleaf pine/pitcher plant bog community in Virginia. Sheridan, P. and A. Petzke |
2012 |
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Natural areas Conference. Oct. 9-12, 2012. Norfolk, Virginia. |
Current trends for the planting of longleaf pine in Virginia; 2009-2010. Sheridan, P. M., A.R. Bhuta, and T. L. Eberhardt |
2012 |
Kush, J. comp., Longleaf through Time: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Proceedings of the eighth longleaf alliance regional conference; October 12-15, 2010, Columbia, SC. Longleaf Alliance Report No. 16. P. 99. |
The rosin baked potato: a southern culinary delight. Sheridan, P. M. and T. L. Eberhardt |
2012 |
Kush, J. comp., Longleaf through Time: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Proceedings of the eighth longleaf alliance regional conference; October 12-15, 2010, Columbia, SC. Longleaf Alliance Report No. 16. P. 100. |
Early reproduction of longleaf pine established in a savanna-style planting. Sheridan, P. M., N. Rudnick, and T. L. Eberhardt |
2012 |
. In: Kush, J. comp., Longleaf through Time: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Proceedings of the eighth longleaf alliance regional conference; October 12-15, 2010, Columbia, SC. Longleaf Alliance Report No. 16. P. 101 |
A method for longleaf pine timber identification and its application to relicts in southeastern Virginia. Eberhardt, T., P. Sheridan, and A. Bhuta |
2011 |
Virginia Journal of Science 62: 44 |
A census of purple pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea L., in Maryland and Virginia. Sheridan, P |
2011 |
Virginia Journal of Science 62: 44 |
Current trends for the planting of longleaf pine in Virginia. Bhuta, A.R. and P. Sheridan |
2009 |
Kush, J. comp. Proceedings of the seventh longleaf alliance regional conference, Forestry in a Changing World: New Challenges and Opportunities. 2008 October 28-31. SanDestin, FL |
Surfing the Koehler curve, revisiting a method for the identification of longleaf pine stumps and logs. Eberhardt, T., P. Sheridan, and K. Reed |
2009 |
Kush, J. comp., Proceedings of the seventh longleaf alliance regional conference, Forestry in a Changing World: New Challenges and Opportunities. 2008 October 28-31. SanDestin, FL |
Genetics of anthocyanin deficiency in Sarracenia L. Perry, C. and P. Sheridan |
2007 |
II Annual meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA. Virginia Journal of Science 58: 95 |
The dendrochronology of Pinus palustris in Virginia. Bhuta, A.R., L. Kennedy, C. Copenheaver, and P. Sheridan |
2006 |
Kush, J. comp., Proceedings of the sixth longleaf alliance regional conference, Seeing the Forest through the Trees. 2006 November 13-16. Tifton, GA |
Old resinous pine stumps as an indicator of the range of longleaf pine in southeastern Virginia. Eberhardt, T.L., P. Sheridan, J. Mahfouz, and So Chi-Leung |
2006 |
Kush, J. comp., Proceedings of the sixth longleaf alliance regional conference, Seeing the Forest through the Trees. 2006 November 13-16. Tifton, GA |
Analysis of monoterpenes remaining in wood from old southern yellow pine stumps. Eberhardt, T.L., P. Sheridan, and J. Mahfouz |
2005 |
Virginia Journal of Science 56: 23 |
Status of introduced Sarracenia purpurea L. sites in Maryland and Virginia with comments on pitcher plant conservation. Sheridan, P. and R. Duffield |
2005 |
Virginia Journal of Science 56: 37 |
A new biopreserve in Virginia, the Joseph Pines Preserve. Sheridan, P |
2005 |
Virginia Journal of Science 56: 38 |
Stumped, the challenge of identifying dendroliths. Sheridan, P., T.L. Eberhardt, J. Mahfouz, and C. So |
2005 |
Virginia Journal of Science 56: 38 |
Longleaf pine activities in Virginia: 2000 – 2002. Sheridan, P., C. Peoples, F. Weaver, and Jo Weaver |
2003 |
Longleaf Pine: A Southern Legacy Rising from the Ashes, Proceedings of the Fourth Longleaf Alliance Regional Conference; 2002 November 17-20; Southern Pines, NC. Longleaf Alliance Report No. 6. Pg. 142 |
Inbreeding, outbreeding, and heterosis in the yellow pitcher plant, Sarracenia flava (Sarraceniaceae). Sheridan, P. and D. Karowe |
2000 |
Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 47:204 |
Two new pitcher plants, Sarracenia purpurea L, wetlands on the western shore of Maryland. Sheridan, P., S. Langley, W. Sipple, K. Underwood, and J. Broersma-Cole |
2000 |
Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 47(2):204 |
Comparison of Insect Captures Between Wild-type and Mutant Green Sarracenia jonesii Wherry. Sheridan P. J. Humphrey, M. Davies, C. Simon, and N. Penick |
2000 |
Virginia Journal of Science 51(2): 129 |
A Method for Planting Longleaf Pine, Pinus palustris Miller, on highway rights-of-way. Sheridan P |
2000 |
Virginia Journal of Science 51(2): 129 |
Rare Plants in the Classroom; Potomac Elementary School and the Toyota Tapestry Grant. Sheridan, P., R. Horman, S. Horman, S. Gilbert, A. Keeton, and M. Schmutte |
2000 |
Virginia Journal of Science 51(2): 130 |
Rooting Longleaf Pine, Pinus palustris Miller, From Needle Fascicles. Sheridan, P., K. Nesius, and L. Everett |
2000 |
Virginia Journal of Science 51(2): 99 |
The Yellow Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia flava L., Recovery Program. 2000. Sheridan, P |
2000 |
Virginia Journal of Science 51(2): 130 |
Sarracenia purpurea L. ssp. venosa (Raf.) Wherry var. burkii Schnell (green) new to Florida. Sheridan, P. and W. Scholl |
1999 |
Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 46(2): 117. |
Anthocyanins and Flavonoids in Sarracenia. Sheridan, P. and R. Griesbach |
1999 |
Virginia Journal of Science 50(2): 125 |
Growth Comparison Between Winter and Spring Sown Virginia Longleaf Pine. Sheridan, P., L. Jacobson, and N. Penick |
1999 |
Virginia Journal of Science 50(2): 169 |
A Plan for a Functional Native Virginia Longleaf Pine Seed Orchard. Sheridan, P |
1999 |
Virginia Journal of Science 50(2): 169 |
Testing for the Presence of a Sarracenia Seed Bank and Rhizome Dormancy Through a Removal Experiment. Sheridan, P. and W. Scholl |
1999 |
Virginia Journal of Science 50(2): 169. |
Dried Pitcher Plant Leaves as Floral Decorations. Sheridan, P. and P. Bingham |
1998 |
Virginia Journal of Science 49(2): 57 |
Collection, Germination, and Propagation of Virginia Longleaf Pine. Sheridan, P., N. Penick, A. Simpson, and P Watkinson |
1998 |
Virginia Journal of Science 49(2): 57 |
A Census of Longleaf Pine in Virginia. Sheridan, P., J. Scrivani, N. Penick, and A. Simpson |
1998 |
Virginia Journal of Science 49(2): 57 |
Differential Use of Pitcher Plant Species as Nesting Sites by Isodontia Wasps. Sheridan, P. and D. Karowe |
1998 |
Virginia Journal of Science. 1998. 49(2): 109 |
The Piney Woods of Virginia, a Vision for a Self-Supporting Biopreserve. Sheridan P., and W. Scholl |
1997 |
Virginia Journal of Science 48: 153 |
The Virginia Pitcher Plant Bogs. Part 4: Seed Dispersal and Dissemination in a Suffolk County Population of Sarracenia flava. Sheridan, P. |
1996 |
Virginia Journal of Science 47: 105. |
The Use of Native Wetland Plants in Highway Landscaping. Sheridan, P. |
1996 |
Virginia Journal of Science 47: 155 |
Are Pitcher Plants a Competitive Threat to the New Jersey Rush, Juncus caesariensis Coville? Sheridan, P. |
1996 |
Virginia Journal of Science 47: 154 |
The Virginia Pitcher Plant Bogs, Part 3: Is There Inbreeding or Outbreeding Depression in the Yellow Pitcher Plant Sarracenia flava L. in Virginia? Sheridan, P. |
1995 |
Virginia Journal of Science 46(2): 104 |
The Virginia Pitcher Plant Bogs, Part 2: Noteworthy Bogs of Dinwiddie County. Sheridan, P. |
1994 |
Virginia Journal of Science 45(2): 71 |
Genetics of Aberrant Sarracenia Leaf and Flower Color. Sheridan, P. |
1994 |
Virginia Journal of Science 45(2): 71 |
A Relict Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Miller) Occurrence in Northern Southampton County, Virginia. Sheridan, P. |
1993 |
Virginia Journal of Science 44: 122 |
A Unique Habitat for Drosera rotundifolia L. (Droseraceae) on the Blackwater River, Virginia. Sheridan, P. |
1993 |
Virginia Journal of Science 44: 122 |
The Virginia Pitcher Plant Bogs, Part 1: Poo Run. Sheridan, P. |
1993 |
Virginia Journal of Science 44: 122 |
The Sarraceniaceae of Virginia. Sheridan, P. |
1986 |
Virginia Journal of Science 37(2): 83 |