You must have a signed and approved access permit to go on Joseph Pines Preserve. Failure to comply will result in prosecution for trespassing.
Joseph Pines Access and Use Permit Introduction
To promote awareness of and protect and conserve our unique and beautiful pitcherplant bogs and their ecosystem, Meadowview welcomes guests and visitors to the Joseph Pines Preserve and Biodiversity Center. There are many ecofriendly activities available to groups, families and individuals. Included are: Birding, Photography, Flower, Plant and Tree Gazing, Hiking, Biking, Camping, Deer Scouting, Hunting, Fishing and Volunteer Working Crew. Given the sensitive nature of our ecological research and land management practices and to ensure the integrity of Meadowview Biological Research Station's mission, all visitors, unaccompanied by Meadowview staff, who wish to enter any of the various Joseph Pines Tracts for any reason, must have applied for and been issued an "Access and Use Permit".
View the Joseph Pines Preserve Access and Use Permit (.pdf)
Meadowview recognizes two classifications of visitors to the Joseph Pines Preserve: Individuals and Group.
- Individual applicants must be interviewed and vetted by a Meadowview staff member before being allowed to submit an application for an "Access and Use Permit".
- Applicants must present a valid photo identification showing current address of residence in addition to mobile phone number and e-mail address.
- Applicants and all their identification and permit documents may be photographed by Meadowview Staff at the time of application.
- If applicants wish to hunt or fish, they must present a valid Virginia State and/or Federal Permit(s) for the respective activity.
- It's the applicants' responsibility to be familiar with and obey all the State and Federal laws and Joseph Pines Preserve Regulations and Rules of Conduct pertaining to the activity in which they wish to engage.
- Applicants will sign a Meadowview Release of Liability and an acknowledgement of receipt of a copy of the Joseph Pines Regulations and Rules of Conduct pertaining to the respective activity(s) in which they wish to engage.
- Applicants will be verbally admonished that, above all else, be safe in their conduct and obey all Preserve Regulations and Rules of Conduct.
- Individual applicants must keep their "Access and Use Permit" on their person at all times while on the Preserve.
- If challenged, while on the Preserve by staff or law Enforcement, visitors and guests must cheerfully present their "Access and Use Permit" and their photo ID.
- Visitors and guests must sign out before leaving the preserve.
- Groups are defined as two or more individuals belonging to an identified or named organization such as a club, or family.
- The Group must have a designated leader who willingly accepts responsibility for the group's actions while on the Preserve.
- The group leader will sign a Meadowview "Release of Liability" and an acknowledgement of receipt of a copy of the Joseph Pines Regulations and Rules of Conduct pertaining to the respective activity(s) in which they wish to engage.
- The group leader will submit their identification as required on the "Access and Use Permit" application.
- Each group member will sign the Access and Use Permit application and the Meadowview Liability Release.
- If requested, the group leader must be able to surrender detailed identity information, including, but not limited to, photos, names and current addresses of any individual listed on their "Access and Use Permit".
- The group leader will be provided with informational pamphlets listing the Preserve Regulations and Rules of Conduct for the respective activity(s) permitted.
- It is the group leader's responsibility to ensure that each group member applicant has been given a copy of the Regulations and Rules of Conduct and tutored on the same.
- If any group member is challenged while on the Preserve by Joseph Pines staff or law enforcement officer, they must cheerfully present a photo identification and the name of the group leader or responsible officer.
- The group leader or officer will be responsible to ensure that each individual on their "Access and Use Permit" is accounted for before leaving the Preserve at the end of their visit.
Regulations and Rules of Conduct
- These regulations and rules of conduct apply to every guest and visitor and their respective activities while on Joseph Pines Preserve and its various Tracts.
- It is of utmost importance that, while you are on the Preserve, you do not inadvertently or intentionally introduce any plant or animal to the Preserve during your visit. These inadvertent introductions may occur when mud or similar debris falls from vehicles, boots, clothing or carelessly discarded litter.
- The unauthorized intentional introduction of any plant or animal to the Preserve or its various Tracts will be regarded a "malicious act of trespass" and the offender will be prosecuted.
- Do not remove or collect plants or any parts of plants, including but not limited to flowers, seeds, leaves or roots.
- Do not dig or have in your possession any digging tools, included but not limited to, shovels, picks, maddoxs, hoes, bars, or trowels.
- In a situation where an intentional or malicious violation of the Preserve's rules concerning collection of prohibited items occurs, the possession of plastic bags or other containers will be considered evidentiary.
- Do not harass or otherwise harm birds, mammals, frogs, lizards, salamanders, snakes, ( including venomous snakes) and their nest or dens.
- No dogs, horses, pets or other domestic animals are allowed on the Preserve.
- No fires are allowed unless specifically noted on your "Access and Use Permit". See also: Camping on the Preserve for respective use of fire.
- No Smoking.
- Do Not Enter Bogs or other wetlands without specific instruction or a staff escort.
- No Litter, including but not limited to, bottles, cans, cups, plastic, food wrappers, tissues or food items.
- Defecating in the woods is reserved for bears.
- We acknowledge your Second Amendments rights.
- There are other Regulations and Rules of Conduct associated with specific activities. If applicable to your visit, you will be given a copy of one or more of the following brochures: Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Historical and Biological Artifacts, Use of Motor Vehicles and Bicycles on the Preserve.
- Trespassers and other violators of the Joseph Pines Preserve Rules and Regulations will, without additional warning, be expelled, arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
- We want to know about your experiences while on the Preserve. In so doing, you become citizen scientists. Please share with our staff any remarkable experiences or observations. Record your discovery in our "Discovery and Observation Log" when you return to the Biodiversity Center or e-mail them to Meadowview at: meadowview@pitcherplant.org
View the Joseph Pines Preserve Access and Use Permit (.pdf)