Carnivorous Plants of Western Australia
Christian Dietz and Claus-Juergen Lenz
Join us for a talk by Christian Dietz and Claus-Juergen Lenz about their trip to Western Australia in 2011. They will lecture about the carnivorous plants they observed including tuberous and pygmy Drosera (Drosera tubaestylis, D. zonaria, D. stolonifera, D. pulchella, D. scorpioides, D. gigantea), Utricularia (Utricularia menziesii, U. inaequalis, U. multifida, and U. tenella), and Cephalotus. They will also show some pictures of the amazing landscapes, animals, and other plants.
The talk will be held at the headquarters of Meadowview Biological Research Station at 8390 Fredericksburg Tnpk. Woodford, VA 22580 at 3:00 P.M. on Friday June 14, 2013. Refreshments and snacks will be provided after the lecture. Space is limited so reservations are required to attend the talk. Contact Dr. Phil Sheridan at or phone 804-633-4336.
If you can't join us in person; this talk will be streaming live on this page at 3:00 pm EST 14 June.
Broadcasting live with Ustream
Christian Dietz is 33 years old and lives about 60km north of Frankfurt/Main. He studied mathematics and works for a small company in Frankfurt, Germany that does fund analysis for the German market. Christian got interested in carnivorous plants at the age of 15, when he got his first Venus' flytrap. Since then he has expanded his collection and built a small greenhouse (roughly 3.80 x 2.5 meters) where he grows many plants. His main interest is Drosera, Utricularia, Genlisea and Sarracenia. Christian has travelled twice to South Africa and once to Western Australia studying carnivorous plants in their habitat.
Claus-Juergen Lenz is 49 years old, living in the city of Mannheim about 100 km south of Frankfurt. His profession is meteorology and climatology and he works at the German Weather Service, the German counterpart of the NOAA. His interest in plants started when he was 10 years old on a 2 weeks stay in the Alps. Since this age Claus-Juergen has cultivated cacti, succulents, and carnivorous plants.